Ενεργειακή Αξιοποίηση Κλάσματος μη Ανακυκλώσιμων Αστικών Απορριμμάτων σε μία Βιώσιμη Αγορά Παραγωγής Ενέργειας από Απορρίμματα
Energy Exploitation of Non-Recyclable Urban Waste in an Sustainable waste to Energy Market ENERGY WASTE



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The project can drastically improve the potential of generating electricity from waste by:

  • Demonstrating the safe, efficient and sustainable exploitation of non-recyclable waste as a renewable energy source

  • Treating thermally a low quality waste fraction in a gasification facility, eliminating the need for its end-disposal and transport over long distances to end-users

  • Eliminating the need for gas cleaning, a process which has been the main problem that still hinders a widespread utilisation even of biomass gasifiers, by evaluating the potential of direct combustion of fuel gas produced by the waste gasification in an existing electricity generation biogas plant.

  • Assessing the co-habitation of the gasification plant, the MSW recycling facility and the biogas plant to provide a controlled outlet for all disposal streams originating from the gasification and power cycle subsystems

  • Taking advantage of new opportunities and increased maturity at the institutional and entrepreneurial environmen
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  • Greek
  • English (UK)


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